Introducing the Chainge Magic Button

3 min readApr 21, 2021


The button that can do almost anything for you.

There are times when we all wish things happened in a blink of an eye without us having to go through the hassle of handling them ourselves. But tedious and time-consuming chores are unfortunately still a big part of our lives despite the technological era we live in.

And this particularly applies to traditional banking: endless paperwork, lengthy complicated processes, human mistake and unavailability are just a few of the drawbacks that make people frustrated with the current financial system.

But where there’s a will, (and some top-notch coding) there’s definitely a way.

And this is where Chainge comes in, determined and ready to open a new world of opportunities & never seen before freedom.

The magic button is going to be your go-to shortcut to any financial operation you might need day or night. Just imagine how much relief and peace of mind the magic button will bring to users world-wide. No more worrying about work/open hours, long waiting periods, inefficient lengthy processes or lack of security.

You’ll be able to securely perform virtually any transaction imaginable with just one tap.

· Scan QR codes and instantly connect with friends and business partners

· Onboard easily and claim your Chainge tokens rewards in seconds (you’ll just have to tap the magic button, scan the QR code, and your wallet will be created and your CHNG tokens added)

· Automatically distribute your own project’s tokens

· Request payments by generating a QR code and receive on the spot payments for your merchandise or service (online & offline)

· Pay on the spot by scanning a QR code & confirming the transaction

· List various actionable items such as voting polls. Participants will just have to scan and vote.

· Deposit to earn & operate the DEX in an easy and straight forward manner

· Initiate or enter an escrow smart contract

The magic button will be in short, the easiest and fastest way for you to interact with the financial world. And in no time, you won’t even remember how mind-boggling traditional banking used to be.

Because all you’ll have to do is tap that magic button and a universe of possibilities will be right there at your disposal. 24/7. Just like magic.

All of those complicated procedures will run in the background so that you won’t have to worry about a thing. You’ll be able to build your own financial universe from the comfort of your couch independent of any centralized institution’s rules.

End of day, you’ll be able to full heartedly say that magic is real. And it can be experienced through Chainge & the magic button — the button that can do almost anything for you.

Looking forward to unleash the power of the magic button in the soon to be launched Chainge app.

See you there Chaingers!

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Written by Chainge

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