Say hello to the future! March 31st brings new Chainges

4 min readMar 23, 2021


As you all now, March has been and still is a very busy month for us here @Chainge. We’ve exceeded 1 million users on our waiting list and announced some of the groundbreaking features you’ll enjoy in the Chainge app. But no worries, there’s plenty more to come!

We’re tirelessly working to launch the application and provide you with the best possible experience & functionalities. But more info on that will be out soon.

For now, here’s a quick overview of what’s going to happen on the 31st of March:

Waiting List

The waiting list will permanently close. So, make sure that your friends and family sign up and join the waiting list before the 31st of March.

Refer as much as you can and as fast as you can because the clock is ticking. We won’t be accepting any more people on the waiting list after this date.

However, new users will be able to sign up and use our available features on the website such as the Amplifier and Deposit to earn. They just won’t be able to join the waiting list.

The existing users will have access to their accounts as usual, by signing in, while of course keeping their spot on the waiting list. In April, we will start inviting users to test the application according to the waiting list ranks. The first version of the Chainge app will be available to the first 100 users.


The referral functionality will still be up and running & you’ll be able to use it to encourage your network to sign up and seize the opportunity of being part of the Chainge ecosystem. However, you will no longer be awarded any referral bonus tokens.


Starting with the 1st of April, the amplifier reward system will be subject to some changes as well:

a. Every amplify will get 10 CNHG tokens.
b. Every retweet of the amplify will get 1 CHNG token.
c. Every 5 likes will get 1 CHNG token.

And of course, let’s not forget our Amplifier Contest which will end on March 31st.

The top 10 users with the highest number of retweets will win Chainge Star Kits. The winners will be announced on the 1st of April, so stay tuned.

For more details on how the competition works check out the dedicated article here

Deposit to Earn

The deposit to Earn will stay intact. Nothing will change, and everyone will still be able to benefit from the great APYs + CHNG token rewards.

Now, you might be wondering…

Why is the reward system’s structure changing?

According to the CHNG token supply distribution model we previously presented here, up until now, the CHNG token rewards were coming from the 10% supply which was allocated before the application was out.

Since on March 31st we’ll cease some functionalities and restructure the rewards accordingly, (in preparation of the app launch) starting with April 1st, the next round of CHNG token rewards will be coming from the 15% batch — which was originally allocated for rewards within the application.

Goodbye cheaters!

In order to clean up and make sure the tokens distribution is 100% fair, we will run our AI algorithm to identify cheaters. Please remember that anyone could be affected by this, since you might have benefited from cheaters’ referral bonus. Any referral bonus from cheaters will be deducted. Everyone will be able to sign in and check their correct final number of CHNG tokens in phase 1, after total supply is announced.

Total CHNG tokens supply

With the 10% token allocation batch depleting on March 31st, thus ending phase 1, on the 1st of April we will be able to calculate the total supply of the CHNG tokens on the market by multiplying the already distributed tokens by 10.

For example: If the community will have earned 200M tokens by March 31st, the total supply of CHNG tokens will be 2 Bn. We know this sounds like a lot, but patience is key, as this supply will decrease and the value of a token will inevitably increase.

So slowly but surely, the revolution is unfolding right before your eyes. Make sure you brace yourselves. It’s gonna be one hell of a ride!

Go Chaingers!

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