Hi Chaingers, as you well know, we’ll soon be releasing the much awaited Chainge Decentralized Exchange (DEX). We’re shooting for the Spot DEX and Futures DEX (+Liquidity Pools module included) to be ready and launched by the end of July. And then further on we will be releasing the Options DEX.
So it’s time once more for some sneak previews & walkthroughs, so that when you start using the DEX everything goes smoothly.
Liquidity Pools
Liquidity pools are the backbone of many decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Users called liquidity providers (LP) add an equal value of two tokens in a pool to create a market.
In exchange for providing their funds, liquidity providers earn trading fees from the trades that happen in their pool, proportional to their share of the total liquidity. And the good news is that now anyone can become a liquidity provider in a straight-forward easy way.
So, if you’re looking for some passive income, this is a great way to start getting it. You can choose the specific pairs that you feel will be the most advantageous for you.
Now let’s take a look at a couple of flows within the DEX liquidity pool module.
Claiming CHNG
1. Click on Exchange.
2. Click on the Pools tab
3. Click on the Filters button
4. Click on “Your Spot Pools (5)”
5. Click on the BTC/USDT Pool
6. Click on the yellow Claim button.
7. Click on the “Claim Now” button.
8. Sign the transaction.
9. View the order confirmation screen.
10. Click on the “Order details” button to view order details.
Removing Liquidity (Eg. BTC/USDT)
1. Click on Exchange.
2. Click on the Pools tab
3. Click on the Filters button under tabs
4. Click on “Your Spot Pools (5)”
5. Click on the BTC/USDT Pool
6. Click on the “Remove Liquidity” button.
7. Click on the “Confirm” button.
8. Sign the transaction.
9. View the order confirmation screen.
10. Click on the “Order details” button to view order details.
⚠️ If you want to Add Liquidity please follow the corresponding “add liquidity” flows (for Spot pairs you can find the flow here, for Futures here and for options here)
Options DEX
Before diving into the exceptional advantages of the Options DEX, let’s see what an option is.
A call option is a binding contract that allows you (as the buyer) to buy an underlying asset at a predetermined price within a set time frame, while a put option is a binding contract that allows you to sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price within a set time frame.
With options, in order to get the right to buy or sell a particular asset at a predetermined price, you have to pay the option seller a price, which is called the option premium.
Besides buying & selling, Chainge will also allow its users to write options. Which is straight out astonishing! We will provide an online form for anyone to apply for the listing of options of a certain token with a requested exercising price. Once the option gets approved by the Chainge community by voting with CHNG (details about the voting process will be disclosed soon) the option will automatically be listed in the Chainge Options DEX.
If you want to find out more about the Options DEX benefits check out this article here.
Now let’s take a look at a couple of flows within the Options DEX.
Options — Buy Flow
1. Click on Exchange.
2. Click on Options tab.
3. Click on “Select an option to buy” dropdown
4. Click the “Close X” button on top left.
5. Click “Buy Options” button.
6. Sign the transaction.
7. View order confirmation screen.
Options — Sell flow
1. Click on Exchange.
2. Click on Options tab.
3. Click on Sell tab.
3. Click on “Select an option to sell” dropdown
4. Click the “Close X” button on top left.
5. Click “Sell Options” button.
6. Sign the transaction.
7. View order confirmation screen.
Options — Add Liquidity Flow
1. Click on Exchange.
2. Click on Options tab.
3. Click on Add Liquidity tab.
3. Click on “Select the corresponding option” dropdown
4. Select BTC-CO from the Assets list.
5. Click on “Select the corresponding spot asset” dropdown
6. Select USDT.
7. Click on “Add Liquidity” button
8. Sign the transaction.
9. View order confirmation screen.
So this is it for now Chaingers. Rest assured we will assist you every step of the way to successfully using our incredible Chainge DEX — probably the most user friendly DEX in the world.
See you guys in the DEX!